First Aid Office

The First Aid Office is located in the new Administration Building. Lisa Bell is the First Aid Officer/Leader at ÀÇÓÑÉçÇø.

Minor accidents such as grazed knees are treated by the staff in the yard. The children are taught to report these incidents to the Yard Duty teachers for treatment. Each duty teacher has a designated area of the school to patrol and a basic kit for simple first aid.

More serious accidents and illness are treated in the First Aid Office and are reported to the parent/carers or guardians via a note sticker or the Compass portal. This is where your emergency form is important and why it must be kept-up to-date.

Your child will be cared for in the First Aid Office until you arrive.

It is also important that your nominated emergency contacts (other than parents) have been informed by you of your preferred course of action in an emergency.

Medical Conditions:

It is important that we have a record of any situation or condition, which could affect your child while he/she is in our care.


If your child suffers from asthma there is a special Asthma Action Plan to be completed with your doctor.


If your child suffers from allergies or Anaphylaxis there are special Action Plan forms to complete available from your doctor and are to be completed with a doctor.


Medications must be sent to school clearly labelled with medical instructions attached. EpiPens and Ventolin also need clear labelling and please check these are still in date.