ÀÇÓÑÉçÇø was established in 1954 and has a tradition of providing a high quality, inclusive, caring school environment. The school enrolment at the beginning of 2024 was 406 students. ÀÇÓÑÉçÇø has very spacious and well-presented grounds and offers excellent facilities for our children to enjoy. Four adventure playgrounds, an oval and quieter courtyard areas cater for the extensive recreational needs of all children. Lunch time clubs allow students the opportunity to balance their outdoor play with some structured activities, which include Technology Shed, Chess, Library and Italian clubs. We have a great number of students attending instrumental music lessons offered throughout the week through a user-pay system. We have a school band and a choir from year 4-6.
The School Council and sub committees place great importance on maintaining and further developing the school facilities. We have a netball sized gymnasium that was completed in 2018. This is used for Physical Education and Sport opportunities. The BER (Building Education Revolution) centre, now known as the SOL centre, was built from Federal Government funding (2011) and provides six classrooms, offices, and an open learning space where currently the year 5 and 6 classes are working. This shared learning space provides an opportunity for staff and children to work together and learn from and with each other, in a collaborative learning environment. It balances the need for class focused learning with teachers in single classrooms with open learning inquiry opportunities, where the students and staff can collaborate to complete various curriculum activities throughout the week. We have six double portables, which provides classrooms for the year 1 and 2s. A central facility was built in 1999, which has seven classrooms (years 3 and 4), a central refurbished Library with courtyard garden, plus LOTE (Italian), Art and Music classrooms. There is a separate facility called ‘Rainbow House’ where students attend the Out of School Hours Program, we have a new partnership with the OHSC provider ‘TheirCare’ (2022). The school has just completed a Victorian Schools Building Project funded by the state government. This project produced a new Administration building with a warm and colourful central foyer and reception desk, a staffroom, staff resource room and a variety of offices and meeting rooms. There is also a new separate purpose-built early year’s centre, which has four classrooms plus a shared central learning space, small amphitheatre, staff workspace, student toilets and a wet area. These buildings were opened in early 2022, and currently the Prep children are enjoying this new learning centre. Newly created garden beds around the new buildings, allow for further landscaping development into the future.
Strong leadership from the Principal, AP, School Improvement Team, School Council, Staff, Parents/Carers and Friends Association and the Student Representative Council work in unison to provide a nurturing, caring and positive school culture that promotes a growth mindset for improving educational opportunities and outcomes for all students. Learning and teaching is viewed as an active partnership between children, parents, carers, and the school staff. A safe, supportive, and inclusive educational environment, coupled with a positive attitude to learning and a commitment to our new school vision and values, are key components of our school culture. Effective policies, programs and classroom routines also provide clear expectations of behaviours and school direction that cultivates a respectful and successful learning environment. The Restorative Practices and Respectful Relationships initiative are embedded across the school to promote and model problem solving, respect, inclusion, and equality to support children in building healthy relationships, resilience, and confidence. We look forward to welcoming your child into the ÀÇÓÑÉçÇø community.