Languages other than English: Italian

Languages: Italian

Ciao! Benvenuti!

Italian at ÀÇÓÑÉçÇø practices a fun, dynamic, and authentic approach to teaching a language. The Italian program is delivered weekly from Foundation to Year 6 and students learn the language through communicative means such games, singing, dancing, speaking, listening and movement.

Students are exposed to the language and culture through a variety of authentic resources from Italy such as maps, brochures, posters, post cards, images, artefacts as well as a variety of ICT resources including YouTube videos, songs, voice clips and images.

Each year, Italian Day is celebrated at ÀÇÓÑÉçÇø as an opportunity for students to watch and participate in an Italian incursion and partake in cultural activities such as dressing up and performing songs and dances in Italian.

Each Term students cover a range of topics that incorporate both cultural and linguistic elements of the Italian language. Topics include:

  • Conversation and speaking about oneself
  • Italy (history and culture)
  • Carnevale
  • Family and celebrations
  • Sport (and the Olympics)
  • Mathematics in Italian and the Fibonacci Sequence
  • Going to the restaurant (and Italian food)
  • The classroom
  • The world and nationalities
  • Animals

Other areas that are covered and revised constantly are:

  • Greetings
  • Classroom commands
  • Colours
  • Numbers
  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Expressing likes and dislikes
  • Feelings and emotions
  • Similes and comparisons
  • Days of the week
  • Months of the year
  • Shapes

Why learn a language?

Research has shown that learning another language can:

  • Stimulate brain development
  • Significantly enhance English literacy skills
  • Improve memory, concentration, and numeracy skills
  • Improve overall performance at school
  • Encourage respect and understanding of other cultures


© State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training) 2018  How languages can boost your child’s brainpower, 

For more information about the Italian program please visit: 

To access the Victorian Curriculum for Italian please visit:


Alana Oro (Italian Leader) and

Estelle Schwab